Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Glorious Indeed

I had not been at all impressed with the Marco Pierre White desserts sold by Sainsburys and so approached with caution his named soup. Actually "fresh real broth".

The contrast could not have been greater. I chose Chicken, Courgette and Orzo Pasta and it could not have been more delicious. The experience went beyond taste and hinged on texture, described on the tub as "light" which indeed it is. This was comfort and luxury food in one, priced reasonably as it turns out at, I think, £1.89.

Marco would have been horrified at my meal choice as I added pepper (my preference and my prerogative) and chose an accompaniment of pate on toast.

But, as it says in my introduction, food is about what you like and I will not be told by some wild eyed old ham whether or not I may use seasoning of my choice. Nevertheless I urge you to try something from the Glorious! range.

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